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Decade Long Celebration Unveils 10 Albums Daily

Apple Music Reveals Top 10 Albums in '100 Best Albums' List

Decade-Long Celebration Unveils 10 Albums Daily

Day One Highlights Include Kendrick Lamar, Beyoncé, and The Weeknd

Apple Music has unveiled its highly anticipated "100 Best Albums" list, a definitive ranking of the greatest albums ever made. Assembled with the input of artists and experts, the list is a modern love letter to music.

Today, Apple Music revealed the top 10 albums, kicking off a 10-day countdown celebration. The initial batch includes critical and commercial successes such as Kendrick Lamar's "To Pimp a Butterfly," Beyoncé's "Lemonade," and The Weeknd's "Beauty Behind the Madness."

The "100 Best Albums" list is an opinion survey and curated ranking created by Apple Music's team of experts. Over the next 10 days, the remaining 90 albums will be announced, culminating in a full reveal of the entire list.
